
Siri Extention

Enhance the features on Apple's Siri. In use with AssistantExtention, simply say "Let's Chat" to enable a chat mode with Siri, asking it all kinds of questions. Its more for you to found out....


3G Facetime Enabler

Enables 3G Facetime in less than a minute !!
Unlike other Mobile Substrate tweaks, 3G Facetime Enabler runs safe and smooth with pre-written scripts, saving your battery and improves the quality.

The bandwidth of the facetime call is improved to 10fps min and 80fps max, giving you far better quality than Apple's Default settings.
No Settings are required, install this and you are ready to go.


Fix Whatsapp connectivity issues [Update]

有冇發覺有時用wifi connect唔到whatsapp?


1. 開whatsapp
2. 去settings
3. 打開 firewall mode
4. 關閉whatsapp 再重開啦

App Store 出咗更新版 Whatsapp (2.6.9)