
18 Apps and addons to make your iDevice a strong Handy-Device

Apps that are useful for me (Just for your reference)

1. Circuitous(Multi-Tasking)
2. Backgrounder(Multi-Tasking)
3. Activator(Multi-Tasking)
4. Cydelete(To delete Cydia apps on your springboard)
5. Quickscroll(To let you scroll while in safari)
6. SBRotator(To rotate your springboard)
7. Shrink(To shrink you icon size)
8. Winterboard(Themes)
9. SBSettings(The best and most useful app, you will know)
10. iNoRotate(To keep your iDevice in one view, landscape or horizontal)
11. iFile(To go into your root files through your iDevice)
12. Mobileterminal(To do command)
13. Installous + appsync(To install cracked apps)
14. Openssh(To have access to your iDevice root files)

1. Advanced Preferences(Giving you more control, use with winterboard)
2. keepawake (SBSetting addon, to keep your wifi on)
3. UAFaker (SBSetting addon, to trick websites think your iDevice is a PC)
4. AutoLock (SBSetting addon, to make your iDevice keep in normal mode, not sleeping)